Friendly Tip #1: If you want to experiment, you can fork or clone the public repository.

For private piece installation, you will need the paid edition. However, you can still develop pieces, contribute them back, OR publish them to the public npm registry and use them in your own instance or project.

Create a Private Fork (Private Pieces)

By following these steps, you can create a private fork on GitHub, GitLab or another platform and configure the “activepieces” repository as the upstream source, allowing you to incorporate changes from the “activepieces” repository.

  1. Clone the Repository:

Begin by creating a bare clone of the repository. Remember that this is a temporary step and will be deleted later.

git clone --bare
  1. Create a Private Git Repository

Generate a new private repository on GitHub or your chosen platform. When initializing the new repository, do not include a README, license, or gitignore files. This precaution is essential to avoid merge conflicts when synchronizing your fork with the original repository.

  1. Mirror-Push to the Private Repository:

Mirror-push the bare clone you created earlier to your newly created “activepieces” repository. Make sure to replace <your_username> in the URL below with your actual GitHub username.

cd activepieces.git
git push --mirror<your_username>/activepieces.git
  1. Remove the Temporary Local Repository:
cd ..
rm -rf activepieces.git
  1. Clone Your Private Repository:

Now, you can clone your “activepieces” repository onto your local machine into your desired directory.

cd ~/path/to/directory
git clone<your_username>/activepieces.git
  1. Add the Original Repository as a Remote:

If desired, you can add the original repository as a remote to fetch potential future changes. However, remember to disable push operations for this remote, as you are not permitted to push changes to it.

git remote add upstream
git remote set-url --push upstream DISABLE

You can view a list of all your remotes using git remote -v. It should resemble the following:

origin<your_username>/activepieces.git (fetch)
origin<your_username>/activepieces.git (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream	DISABLE (push)

When pushing changes, always use git push origin.

Sync Your Fork

To retrieve changes from the “upstream” repository, fetch the remote and rebase your work on top of it.

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main

Conflict resolution should not be necessary since you’ve only added pieces to your repository.