This section guides you in creating a Gelato piece, from setting up your development environment to contributing the piece. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a piece with an action that fetches a random ice cream flavor and a trigger that fetches newly created ice cream flavors.

These are the next sections. In each step, we will do one small thing. This tutorial should take around 30 minutes.

Steps Overview

Fork Repository

Fork the repository to create your own copy of the codebase.

Setup Development Environment

Set up your development environment with the necessary tools and dependencies.

Create Piece Definition

Define the structure and behavior of your Gelato piece.

Add Piece Authentication

Implement authentication mechanisms for your Gelato piece.

Create Action

Create an action that fetches a random ice cream flavor.

Create Trigger

Create a trigger that fetches newly created ice cream flavors.

Sharing Pieces

Share your Gelato piece with others.


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